Bev is a Chartered Physiotherapist practicing in all musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions. Bev graduated from Brunel university in 2017 in Physiotherapy (BSc) and spent a year working in Trauma and Orthopaedics and Neuro-rehabilitation. Bev moved into MSK Physiotherapy 4 years ago and has experience in both the NHS and private setting. Bev is trained in APPI…
Michele joined the Cranfold team in July 2023 and is based in Cranleigh and Dorking. Michele graduated in 1993 from the University of Cape Town. She has practiced for 30 years in the field of musculoskeletal therapy and enjoys treating a wide variety of conditions. She enjoys working with her clients to reach their optimal…
Sue qualified as a physiotherapist in 1993 and worked in the NHS and private practice. She first undertook training in Pilates in the early 2000’s and has continued to practice for herself for many years. She recently went back to study teaching Pilates with APPI and has successfully become a certified Matwork teacher. While working…