In week 4 we do some more work in the Double Table Top position.

Week 1 of our Introduction To Pilates Course starts at the very beginning, teaching you a little about the principles of Pilates before starting on some beginner Pilates exercises.

In week 2 we work on some new exercises and progress on a little bit further.

We progress the exercises a little bit further and challenge your core a little bit more.

In week 5 we progress more on the Double Table Top position that we looked at in the last couple of weeks.

In the final week of the course Karen makes things a bit more challenging by adding a few more progressions.

Ben gives a more in depth tutorial on the Roll Down.

Esther goes through the Bridge exercise in more detail.

Course instructor, Ben, gives some information about the course and hip and knee replacement surgeries.

In the final week of the course Karen makes things a bit more challenging by adding a few more progressions.