In the 80s I qualified as an SRN at the University hospital of Wales and worked as a staff nurse for several years before going off travelling.
I have always had an interest in health, fitness and nutrition and this lead me to eventually train in Sports & Remedial Massage and later in Lymphatic Massage:
Lymphatic Massage (or Manual Lymphatic Drainage – MLD)
In 2014 I qualified as a Lymphatic Massage Specialist with the VODDER School of Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage (MLD) and am registered with MLDuk, the UK’s governing body.
I receive consultant referrals from the Montefiore Hospital, Hove and elsewhere, to work on pre & post operative Cosmetic Surgery patients to speed up the tissue healing process and to help ensure patients get the best possible result in the fastest time possible from their procedure.
Sports & Remedial Massage
In 2006 I trained with the LSSM in Sports & Remedial Massage and am registered with the ISRM (Institute of Sports & Remedial Massage Therapists). The ISRM qualification in Clinical Sport & Remedial Massage has become the benchmark for quality training in the UK. On the basis of this I was qualified to work at the 2012 Olympics.
In my spare time I enjoy various sports. My favourites are tennis & horse riding. I cycle and have done a number of events such as the London – Brighton. I do aerobic and free-weight classes. I regularly do Pilates for maintenance.